International School Internship: SEA-Teacher Batch 9 to Philippines: Learning a New Culture, Memorable Moment in the Future
As a student teacher participating in the SEA-Teacher program, I had an exciting and impressive experience. Not only met new [...]
Group 2 Leadership Project of Science Education, Program Teacher Professional, won the 3rd place in Project Competition
Initially, the team expected something other than this victory. In this activity, participants must design and decorate a stand that [...]
Here we go! Talents in Science Education have achieved something prestigious again!
Zefanya Widyasari I’m Zefanya Widyasari, but all of my friends call me Zefa. I’m a science education student at FKIP [...]
Our Story: International School Internship in Thailand
We, Eriza Nadya Putri and Syifa Maulidya Atomzeal, are students Department of Science Education 2019 and now, we are in [...]
Undergraduate Students of Science Education Department Acquire 1st Place in Video Product of MBKM National Competition and Win The Best Teaching Assistance Program Video Category and Entrepreneurship Program.
Undergraduate students of Science Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta have won 1st place [...]
Menuju UNGGUL, 6 Kelompok Mahasiswa Prodi S1 Pendidikan IPA Memenangkan Kompetisi Hibah MBKM UNS, Tiga Diantaranya Skim Asistensi Mengajar
Dalam rangka memenuhi target Indikator Kinerja Utama 2 yaitu mahasiswa mendapatkan pengalaman minimal 20 sks di luar kampus, Program studi [...]