Dr.paed. Nurma Yunita Indriyanti, M.Si, M.Sc Visited Kangwon National University to Strengthen Bilateral Research Collaboration

Dr. paed. Nurma Yunita Indriyanti came to Kangwon National University and met prof. Minsu Ha to discuss the joint research between Bachelor Degree of Science Education Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) with Prof. Minsu Ha from Science Education Department Kangwon National University (KNU), South Korea. This meeting was held on November 19th to November 24th 2022. Both Prof. Minsu Ha and Dr. paed. Nurma Yunita Indriyanti has been conducting research together since 2022 until now about artificial intelligence in science learning and automatic scoring. Prof. Minsu Ha, himself has delivered a guest lecture in Bachelor Education of Science Education UNS since 2019. During the visit, the research team conducted the FGD regarding the content of the data collection instrument that will be used in Indonesia. The data were tried out onsite at the Science Education AI lab di KNU. The joint publication manuscript is on the way as the next goals.

Hokkaido University

In 2018, Mrs. Lina continued to study at the Institute of Catalysis Hokkaido University, Japan to do a post doctoral