Collaboration among educational institutions is important to improve the quality of education. Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) is a University committed to develop education through international collaboration. The Department of Science Education is one of the UNS agents accepting the challenge to accommodate international students as an intern teacher. The Department of Science Education is collaborating with Saint Louis University, Philippines  to send two students (Rhealyn P. Angluben and Derryl Roos F. Dumag) to practice and learn as a teacher in Junior High School 4 Surakarta. They stay in Surakarta for 27 Days from 17 September to 14 October 2023 and do some activities such as university orientation, department orientation, city orientation, and teaching practice in school.


Pict 1, Department Orientation with Dr. paed Nurma Yunita Indriyanti, M.Si.,M.Sc (the Head of Department) and Students Organization (HIMADIKPA)

Pict 2. The intern teacher teaches student from Junior High School 4 Surakarta


The Students of Philippines is conducting the learning process in grade 7th, 8th, and 9th. They use many methods that have been discussed with mentors from Junior High School 4 Surakarta. They gain a lot of knowledge to engage students in learning actively and understand the multicultural aspects that affect the learning process.

Pict 3. Practice Evaluation with School Mentor (Mrs Nanik and Mrs Pontjowati) and Supervisor from UNS (Mr. Aziz)


After they did self-practice teaching for 2-3 times, they will be evaluated by a supervisor from UNS and also the mentors. Students from Philippines are not just engaged in learning activities but also they perform traditional dance in farewell ceremony.

Pict 4. Dance performance by Rhea and Dherryl

Pict 5. Farewell Ceremony with Headmaster of Junior High School 4 Surakarta (Sri Wuryanti, M.Pd)


Through this collaboration, the Department of Science education acquires many advantages such as strengthening the relationship among institutions, upgrading the quality assurance in education, and also introducing Indonesian culture through education. Therefore, the Department of science education will continue accepting students from overseas and having more experience in International programs.

By Published On: October 12th, 2023Categories: Berita0 Comments

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