Bachelor of Science Education

Faculty of Teacher Training & Education



Dr. Riezky Maya Probosari, M.Si.
Head of Science Education Bachelor Program


Welcome to the Bachelor of Science Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta.

“Becoming bachelor program who develop internationally reputated science education program based on national value of Indonesia”.

    1. Conducting education and teaching to establish globally minded science education bachelor without abandoning national value
    2. Perform science and science education research, and
    3. Perform community service in science and science education in the implementation of its existence
  1. Establishing a science education bachelor who has the capability of mastering science and science education concepts, principal, technology, and pedagogy.
  2. Establishing a science education bachelor as a teacher and practitioner of education who has the capability of applying, managing, and developing science and science education.
  3. Establishing science education bachelor who is able to solve real-life problem in the globalization era based on science and science education objective scientific rule
  4. Establishing a science education bachelor who is able to extend crucial networking to strengthen science and science education improvement.

Why should you choose the Bachelor of Science Education?

Bachelor Science and education program Universitas Sebelas Maret graduate profile is science education bachelor is educators, practitioners, and entrepreneurs of science education who are able to demonstrate their capability of solving problems, applying, developing, evaluating science and science education through continuously networking in global society as science and technology development.

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